Page 6 - LS ASA Spring 2018 - activity description
P. 6

THURSDAY                        Our hip-hop dance classes will be divided into several stages. First, we will do a warm up. We start with head exercises over the shoulder, arm,
                                   waist, hips, legs and feet and stretching. Then do rhythmic exercises. A combination of dance steps, simple, with lots of repetition, in order for
Street Dance & Hip Hop             children to adopt the combination as soon as possible. Students will learn a new part of choreography together with repeating of what was
                                   learned in previous classes. Our final phase will be stretching of the muscles and relaxation. Maximum 10 students
              Gr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

       Ivana Djordjevic (LS CC)

       Arts & Crafts               Students in this course will have a chance to explore a great number of creative activities in the field of visual arts both fine and applied and
                                   crafts. Every class in this program is going to be focused on a different project that will bring dynamics into it. The aim of this activity is to de-
                 Gr. 3, 4, 5       velop imagination and inventiveness. Moreover to meet different visual art disciplines as well as craftsmanship. The main idea is to let students
                                   play through developing their own work in practice. Activities to be held are mural painting, freehand drawing, chinaware decoration, glass
Sladjana Pavlovic (SMT Classroom)  painting, collage, textile painting, making jewelry, designing book covers and similar along with plenty of ideas for five minute crafts and exper-
                                   iments. Our schedule is not strictly defined therefore it will depend on participant interests.

                                   Maximum 10 students

   Dodgeball                       Children will practice different modified games adjusted to their grade level, developing strength, agility, coordination, balance and perception.
                                   Our main activities will include teaching basic techniques (running, catching, throwing, dodging), as well as learning about fair play, safety and
         Gr. 3, 4, 5               responsibility toward themselves and the others during the game.

Marija Zivotic (LS MPR)            Maximum 12 students
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8