Page 5 - SN December - Grade 2
P. 5



  High Beginners Group

  Dear Parents,
  In November we continued supporting the transdisciplinary theme How We Express Ourselves –
  Artistic Provocations unit, and its central idea: “The arts allow us to share and interpret emotions”.
  We read leveled stories focusing on new vocabulary, comprehension and retelling, paying close at-
  tention to the sequence of events. As we read fiction books, we talked about characters. We de-
  scribed their physical appearance as well as their inner traits as we talked about their actions. We in-
  troduced and discussed the concept of perspective – retelling the same event through the eyes of a
  different character. We read two versions of the same story - “Jack and the Beanstalk” and “Giants
  Have Feelings”, which led us to using Venn’s diagram in expressing what the characters had in com-
  mon and what was different. In writing, we focused on using a complete sentence instead of frag-
  ments or phrases. This unit provided ample opportunities to role-play scenes from stories we read
  and liked most. EAL students were very creative as they improvised and changed the story ending.
  We practiced our reading fluency and comprehension skills as we read and discussed a number of
  leveled stories and books. In-class support included developing writing skills – writing a summary.
  We also enforced the First Steps writing genre – writing to explain.
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