Page 1 - LS ASA Fall Activity Description 2018
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Lower School After School Activities  Fall Season 2018


      Arts & Crafts           Students in this course will have a chance to explore a great number of creative activities in the field of visual arts both fine and applied
                              and crafts. Every class in this program is going to be focused on a different project that will bring dynamics into it. The aim of this activity is
                    Kinder-2  to develop imagination and inventiveness. Moreover to meet different visual art disciplines as well as craftsmanship. The main idea is to
                              let students play through developing their own work in practice. Activities to be held are mural painting, freehand drawing, chinaware
           Ballet             decoration, glass painting, collage, textile painting, making jewelry, designing book covers and similar along with plenty of ideas for five
                              minute crafts and experiments. Our schedule is not strictly defined therefore it will depend on participant interests.
                              Maximum 10 students
     Treasure Hunt
                              The program offers a quick development of ballet artistic skills through various creative methods. The classes are divided into four
                    Kinder-2  segments: gymnastics, classic ballet (pose and posture of the body, dance steps, and figures), choreography, and workshops and
                              improvisations. Participants are inducted in the magical world of theatre, where they will have a chance to show and develop their
German for Beginners          sense for ballet art throughout various performances and competitions. Maximum 10 students

                     Gr. 2-5  Treasure Hunt is a game where children will explore space, practice their communication skills, their team spirit, learn to use maps, to
                              orient, manage time, and have fun! Children will be divided into two teams. They will have to complete certain tasks going from base to
                              base along the games path. They will get clues and collect different objects which will help them complete the game. As an after school
                              activity, the concept is to use schools facilities and school yard to simulate Belgrade's natural and cultural features. So, to stay at school
                              but “travel” around Belgrade! Each session will present a new destination. You are welcome to join us on our treasure hunt.

                              Maximum 12 students

                              According to the newly released PYP enhancements, multilingualism, the use of two or more languages, is encouraged and supported through
                              the development of multilingual learning environments and multilingual communities, affirming student identity and agency. Therefore, at
                              ISB, we offer this unique opportunity to further develop our student language profiles through the ASA program. The students who choose to
                              enroll in this activity will continue to develop intercultural competence, creativity and logical thinking, in an authentic learning environment.
                              This program will also promote translanguaging, the process in which students flexibly draw on known languages, combining their elements
                              to meet communicative and social needs.

                              This activity requires students to attend both Tuesday and Thursday sessions. For this reason, these two sessions will be counted as one activi-
                              ty. The program is open to students in Grades 2-5. Maximum 8 students
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