Page 3 - May_June - Gr.2
P. 3

ISB Lower School Specialists’ Newsletter


Dear Grade II Parents,

Welcome to the last Spanish Newsletter for this school year! As usual, we are informing
you about the activities that take place in our Spanish classroom concluding this produc-
tive school period.

After finishing their unit on the body, Grade 2 students started to work on the My family
Mirjana Fildjokic unit. They learned to name and describe their family members, talking about their age,
Spanish Teacher origin, residence, physical description and the basic character traits. In order to amplify

their vocabulary on this subject we used photos, family songs, family trees, match and
puzzle activities, flash cards, a memory game and family quizzes. The students felt very
motivated to make their family tree and at the moment they are finishing their posters
that include the family tree and a description of each family member. They are preparing
for presenting their whole family to the class. For that purpose we are also developing
some public presentation skills.

The students showed a lot enthusiasm throughout this last Unit and I hope that they will
continue in the same rhythm the next school year.

In conclusion, let me take the chance to wish you all pleasant holidays and joyful time
during the summer vacation. For those children and parents who are moving, I wish you
good luck in your new adventures, and, certainly, a lot of success in the student’s future
learning of Spanish.

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