Page 5 - SN December - Grade 4
P. 5



 Intermediate Group

 Dear Parents,

 In November we continued supporting the PYP trans-disciplinary theme How We Express Our-
 selves – Music and Dance Unit, with its central idea: “Many ideas and feelings are conveyed through
 dance”. We inquired into the history of dance, messages that are revealed through dance, and how
 people globally connect through dance. We viewed and analyzed various video clips, and used ade-
 quate vocabulary and sentence structure to describe what we saw. We read the article History of
 Dance, and explained new unit vocabulary in the context. We also practiced finding the main idea in
 a paragraph, and summarizing skills. As a result, the students used the information we gathered as a
 class, and in pairs created the History of Dance Timeline. We reviewed basic oral presentation skills
 before the students presented their work. We also focused on communicative language function –
 agreeing and disagreeing in a polite way, and using arguments to support our views.
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