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ISB Lower School Specialists’ Newsletter


In the previous weeks, students were working on the single subject unit of inquiry ‘Where
We Are In Place And Time’, while traveling through time to discover different forms of Art.

Students were learning about Auguste Rodin’ famous sculpture ‘Thinker’ while working on
their clay forms. We used this opportunity for learning about a Learner Profile attribute– Svetlana
‘thinker’ for drawing. Students illustrated a story read in class and drew the pieces of art Spasic Glid
Art Teacher
while being thinkers and knowledgeable students who were showing their knowledge about
the use of line, shape and space.

Students have started learning about Vincent van Gogh.

We hope you enjoyed the Spring Fair and had time to stop by to see all the ‘students’ sculp-
tures on display. Here are a few images from Saturday.

Kindergarten A students have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Kindergarten B students have classes on Tuesdays and Fridays.

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