Page 3 - May_June - Gr.5
P. 3


During the previous weeks, students finished their work on the unit of inquiry ‘Exhibition’.
During this unit, students worked in groups on their individual and group projects. Chil-
dren were choosing to respond to any of the Art styles taught in this school year. Also,
students were choosing materials to work with. Svetlana Spasic-
Students did a very good job on this! In order to give each other feedback on their perfor- Art
mance within their groups, students filled out checklists for their team members.

Also, we worked on a short single subject unit of inquiry ‘‘Where We Are In Place And
Time.’ Students were choosing to respond to the Cave Paintings, the works of Michelan-
gelo, Roy Lichtenstein, and the works of various American and Serbian Abstract artists
from the 20th century. Children were choosing materials to work with as well.

I wish you a good summer break!

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