Page 6 - SN September - Grade 5
P. 6
Ms. Mirjana Fildjokic Spanish Teacher

Moodle page:

Dear Grade 5 parents,

Welcome to our first Spanish Newsletter for this school year.

After the introductory week of developing our classroom agreements and adapting to the school atmosphere, we
initiated our first connecting unit How we organize ourselves, Rights and Responsibilities, in which we are talking
about our rights and obligations at school. In order to prepare and be able to discuss the subject, we reviewed
the vocabulary on classroom objects, and amplified it with lexical structures on different rooms and jobs at
school. We learned how to use the verbs SER/ESTAR/HAY in present tense while describing the school (ex. Mi

escuela es grande y bonita. Está en Senjak. En mi escuela hay muchas aulas). Additionally, we talked about
students´ schedule and reviewed some time expressions while at the same time acquiring vocabulary on school
subjects. Talking about rights and responsibilities we focused on the expressions of obligations and rights in
DE, (NO)PUEDO+INFINITIVO (I HAVE TO, I MUST, I CAN, I HAVE RIGHT TO…). Some of the students’ tasks in
this unit is to make a video of their rights and responsibilities in school and to interview a school employee
about his/her rights and responsibilities.

Also, this year we have three new students in class, who are absolute beginners in Spanish. Since this is their
first year of study, the program for them is adapted to their needs and the expectations are in accordance with
their level. We learned how to introduce ourselves stating our name, origin, age and residence. We also ac-
quired basic vocabulary referring to numbers (1-100), colors and classroom objects, basic structures such as
There is/There are in order to adapt to the new learning environment as easier as possible. We will continue to

work on place prepositions and verbs naming activities that we usually do in class.
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