Page 3 - SN September - Kgd
P. 3
Ms. Svetlana Spasic Glid Art Teacher

Moodle page:

In the previous weeks, students could choose to draw or paint using a variety of materials
and make collage projects. We started the school year with a pre-assessment for the use

of line, shape and color for expressing the themes of their interest, and a pre-assessment
for work in groups.

Students are working on the single subject unit of inquiry ‘How We Express Ourselves –
Symbols’, as the connection to their learning in the homeroom. The children are learning

about the use of symbols in cave paintings in order to learn to communicate what is im-

portant to them through their work. They have started to learn about the use of different
colors for creating contrast. The aim of this unit is for the children to learn that everything
they make in art is a symbol of their thoughts.

I start our classes by showing visual examples and giving instructions for the use of materi-

als. Student reflection is embedded in every class and is voluntary. You may find the chil-
dren’s reflections in the form of a title or as a sentence on the backs of their work.
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