Page 2 - SN October - PreK
P. 2
Ms. Marija Dimitrov PE Teacher

Moodle page:

Dear Parents,

Throughout October, Pre-Kindergarteners worked on developing and im-

proving their locomotor skills, as well as on their spatial awareness.

We spent most of our class time “travelling” to different places around the

world. We galloped with the zebras, leaped with the frogs, jumped with

kangaroos. We skated our way across frozen waters with the penguins. At

times we also had to balance while crossing the narrow bridges, as well as

to hop from rock to rock, trying to stay away from hungry crocodiles in riv-


As we explored these dreamy places, we had to be prepared and know all

of our body parts, so that we could tell each other where a snake, tiger, or

a hungry shark has bitten us. This helped us review the body parts we al-

ready knew and learn names of some joints, such as shoulder, elbow,

knee, ankle, and other body part.

We also took a tour around many “Magic Cities.” Using various pieces of

equipment, such as river stones, tunnels, wacky noodles, jump ropes,

hoops, and the balance beam, we created various obstacle courses. Dur-

ing our explorations, we had to overcome obstacles in different ways in or-

der to pass through the city safely.
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