Page 9 - SN November - Grade 5
P. 9
Ms. Visnja Plecas EAL Teacher

Moodle page:

Students in Grade 5 explored the features of the human body during

their current Unit of Inquiry. In EAL class we made a connection to

the unit by reading about the- human body systems while concur-

rently learning about note-taking skills. We are continuing to work on

developing these skills by reading and discussing each paragraph of

our informational texts to identify the topic sentences and the key

words, and important facts which we then highlight or underline in

the text. We also read the story “Dogs to the Rescue” about mush-

ers, the brave men who led teams of dogsleds across the icy wilder-

ness of Alaska in order to save the lives of hundreds of people.

They raced against time, carrying antitoxin, a cure for diphtheria

which was spreading across the town of Nome. The students then

wrote a retell of the story, using the text and guiding questions. The

texts they produced provided insight into the students’ current un-

derstandings about writing and served to set further teaching and

learning goals.
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