Page 3 - SN December-January - Grade 1
P. 3
Ms. Svetlana Spasic Glid Art Teacher

Moodle page:

Grade one students were working on the unit of inquiry ‘Where We Are

in Place and Time – Now and Then,’ while discovering different ways

of communication through time.

As we started with learning about what it means to communicate

though art, students were creating their paintings and sharing about

the ideas that they showed through their works. Being ‘time travelers,’

as this unit requires from us, students went through a ‘See, think, and

wonder’ procedure to pose important questions for themselves and set

their goals for responding to petroglyphs, ancient art forms. Students

were creating their clay ‘rocks’ and engraving important massages. As

we ‘traveled’ to another place –Ancient Greece, we discovered beauti-

fully designed vases with pictures of everyday life. We used that stimuli

for learning about the use of clay further.

Children were learning about mixing colors, the importance of the use

of shape and form through their projects.
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