Page 6 - SN February - March - Grade 3
P. 6
Ms. Mirjana Fildjokic Spanish Teacher

Moodle page:

Dear Grade 3 parents,

Grade 3 Spanish students have enthusiastically concluded on How We Express Ourselves Unit by performing
their version of La ratita presumida play that they had practiced so diligently and devotedly. You can watch the
video of the performance by visiting our Moodlic page and find-
ing the topic Examples of students´work-Grade 3 play-La ratita presumida! I hope that you´ll enjoy it!

After concluding the Imagination unit, we started working on another connecting unit related to How the World

Works-Structures in which the students learned about different world buildings (with the special accent on Span-
ish architecture) and their attributes. In order to introduce the topic we watched a video on Three little pigs story
and discussed about different type of materials of the houses that the pigs made. Furthermore, the students
identified different types of houses (una casa nueva/vieja, un piso, un dúplex, un cortijo, una casa en el centro/
en las afueras, una casa de madera/ladrillo, etc.). They learned the Present tense forms in singular for the verb
vivir by reading and making dialogues (¿Dónde vives? Yo vivo en un piso a las afueras, ¿y tú?). Moreover, we
focused on the different uses of es and está (both meaning is in English, but used in different contexts in Span-

ish, ex. Mi piso es moderno vs. Mi piso está en el centro). The students observed pictures and described houses
and were also asked to explain what the typical houses/apartments in their home country look like.

In the next phase, we saw a presentation of the most famous world buildings and monuments and the students
enhanced their vocabulary knowledge by acquiring different adjectives used to describe them (alto, largo, corto,
redondo, alargado, cilíndrico, interesante, increíble, maravilloso, simple, bonito, etc.) as well as the nouns refer-
ring to different types of structures (el edificio, el puente, la torre, el monumento, la catedral, la basilica, las pirá-

mides). Also, the students learned how to briefly express their impressions about the structure: me gusta/no me
gusta, me parece…) The students chose world buildings they like and made short presentations about them in
the class.

The students were also introduced with how to make comparisons between different monuments by learning the
method for comparison of adjectives in Spanish (La Torre Eiffel es más alta que La Torre de Pisa or La Sagrada
Familia es la catedral más vistada de España.). We will see the most important architectonic works in Spain and
the students will make their models for their own pieces of architecture.

In case you might have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
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