Page 4 - SN October - Grade 2
P. 4



Dear Parents,
Second graders started their P.E. classes with great enthusiasm!
We enjoyed games such as Ice-man, Band-Aid Tag, Sharks and Sailors, and Dodgeball.
Students displayed knowledge of how to be fair players and how to respect or help each other whilst play-
ing by the rules.
Through our September activities we worked on improving our fitness abilities. Besides keeping our body
active, we discussed more ways to be healthy and fit (eating habits, hygiene, positive thoughts and having
enough sleep).
We know that the doctor can tell us if we are healthy, but how will we know if we are fit?
We found, after a group discussion, that there are a variety of physical fitness tests that can tell us what
shape our body is in.
Naturally, we were curious to find out how fit we are so we decided to test each other. Working in pairs,
using meter sticks and stop-watches, we took part in tests to find out the following: How fast we can run
short distances, how fast we can run 5 laps around the red top and how strong or flexible we are.
This was a fun way for our second graders to try some new exercises and work on improving their fitness
abilities. Although they gave their best, students are aware that if they practice, they can be even better by
the end of the school year. Having this in mind, students decided to commit to regular exercise through-
out the school year, during P.E. classes and outside school, in order to increase their fitness level.

We were glad to have our school physician, Dr. Lilly join us during a PE lesson. She told us more about
the interaction between the body systems while exercising (circulatory, respiratory and muscular systems).
We discussed why it is important to take care of our
own bodies and what is good for maintaining a
healthy life style (physical activity, sleep, nutrition,
For more information on this above topic, please

GOOD JOB Second graders and KEEP ACTIVE!
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