Page 5 - SN December - Grade 1
P. 5



Dear Parents,
In this period we continued to read and talk about stories. One of the children’s favourite
characters is Franklin the Turtle. The students were excited to read about Franklin’s adven-
tures and they made connections to similar events that they had experienced.
They also responded by drawing pictures about significant events in the stories. We played
a number of language games designed to develop literacy awareness – games that rein-
force recognition of beginning consonants, sight words, and CVC words and others that
develop vocabulary. We talked about our experiences and shared all the exciting things we
did over the week. The children engaged in writing activities according to their abilities –
they wrote simple recounts, labelled pictures, and copied simple texts. Our focus was to
develop oral language skills and the children have made significant progress in this area of
language development. They are able to talk about their experiences, discuss story plots,
characters and settings, ask for and share information, and comment on events in their
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