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DECEMBER 2015                                                  KINDERGARTEN



Welcome to the third edition of our Specialist Newsletters! Happy New Year to all,

Our specialists teachers, also referred as single-subject Mr. Brian Lettinga

teachers, play an integral and important role in our Primary   Lower School Principal
Years Program. The arts, physical education, and language

study are essential elements to a comprehensive and holistic

primary school education. The content of these subjects is

transdisciplinary in nature, meaning that the skills and con-

cepts developed by specialist teachers have relevance

throughout the Lower School curriculum and our students’

lives beyond school. A great example of this is our upcom-

ing Winter Performance, “Somos el Barco” where all our

students will have the opportunity to show-case their artis-

tic abilities through art, music, and dance. Our specialists

teachers work alongside our classroom teachers to develop

lessons that are both interesting and connected to the class-

room Units of Inquiry.

For this reason, we think it is important that we keep our
parents informed about the teaching and learning taking
place in our specialists' classrooms. You will receive our
specialist newsletter six times during the school year. As
always, if you have any questions about your child’s educa-
tion, feel free to contact us. Enjoy your winter holiday and
travel safely. School resumes for all ISB students on Mon-
day, January 11, 2016.
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