Page 5 - SN December - Kgd
P. 5



 Beginners’ Group

 Dear Parents,
 In November in-class EAL support focused on building literacy skills through introducing the trans-
 disciplinary theme How We Organize Ourselves, and the central idea: People organize themselves
 and work together in schools to create a community of learners. The students inquired into how the
 ISB physical space is organized, so we looked into the buildings, drew them, and prepared a model
 of the school. We added pictures of the director, principal, teachers, teaching aids and other people
 they meet at the school, and explained their roles. We also had various activities to show what crite-
 ria we use when we want to group various objects, and the students used adequate vocabulary to ex-
 plain the reasons behind grouping them. Another important aspect was explaining how good organi-
 zation and working together help the learning process. The students looked into their classroom and
 decided how the way it was organized helped them in their learning.
 Apart from the inquiry, the students continued writing their daily journals. They described pictures
 they drew and wrote sentences focusing on basic sight words and letter – sound correlation.
 Great work, Kindergarten A and B!
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