Page 2 - SN February - Grade 1
P. 2



Dear Parents,

January was an action-packed month in the Music class. Students returned from the winter break re-
charged and ready to learn.

We recognized Mozart’s birthday through various activities during the month. Students were especial-
ly interested in BBC’s animated version of the “Magic Flute,” which led them to lots of discussions
and learning about opera. Students showed keen interest and appreciation for Mozart’s work. They
especially enjoyed carefully selected parts of Milos Forman’s famous film “Amadeus.” They also en-
joyed Ingmar Bergman’s theatre version of the Mozart’s “Magic Flute.”

Percussion and wind instruments were instruments of the month. The main focus was on holding re-
corders properly. Breathing and proper fingering techniques were practiced.

In addition, singing skills were mastered, mainly through songs “Music Alone Shall Live,” “Mister
Stormy Weather” and “New Year Resolution.” Songs of the month came from Mozart’s opera
“Magic Flute” and those were “Air of the Queen of The Night,” “Papageno,” “Small Night Music”
and “Turkish March.”

Next month we expect to be able to distinguish sounds of various instruments in the “Magic Flute.”
We will also discuss how music (story) makes the students feel. As a preparation for our next Unit –
Where Are We in Time and Place (Now and Then) - we will review and analyze Mozart’s life, e.g.
through exploring Salzburg in the past and Salzburg today, pianos now and clavichord back in the
past, changes in instruments’ size and color, as well as costumes, wigs, way of life people used to have
and people practice today.
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