Page 4 - SN March - Grade 5
P. 4



Dear Parents,

Our fourth and fifth grade students have recently finished their gymnastics unit and
moved to team sports - volleyball.
We started with a review of the basic techniques involved in passing, serving and receiv-
ing the ball by engaging in different drills, in pairs and in groups.

Grade four students continue to practice with a ball that is much lighter than the official
ball, but it’s the same size. Fifth graders utilize the ball that is almost like the official one.
Since volleyball is a dynamic sport, players are never still during a game.

They have to adjust their position to wherever the ball is.
Through group activities we practiced moving around the court and adjusting our body
and arms according to the ball and the location of the other players. We practiced keep-
ing the ball up in the air and changing the direction of the pass when needed.

After reviewing the basic volleyball rules, such as how points are scored in the game,
players’ positions and when and in which way players rotate, we will be ready to play
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