Page 2 - SN February - March -Grade 1
P. 2
Ms. Marija Dimitrov PE Teacher

Moodle page:

Dear Parents,

After their gymnastics unit, First graders focused on improving their agility, eye-

hand and general body coordination, utilizing floor hockey sticks and jump ropes of

different lengths.

Safety is always of great importance for us, so we started by practicing a proper

grip and handling equipment carefully in a group setting.

Some of our activities were done individually, such as ball control using floor hock-

ey sticks, skipping and jumping over ropes, while others were done in pairs and

groups, to foster students’ cooperation and team work.

The students became more successful in maintaining control when dribbling a ball,

and more precise in passing it to a partner or shooting. In jump-rope activities we

made great progress in anticipating the right time to jump and became much better

at spinning the rope for ourselves, as well as for our friends. At the end of the unit

we incorporated different props in various tasks while participating in relay games,
which all students liked a lot. They displayed great enthusiasm, along with devel-

oped skills and team spirit.
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