Page 6 - SN May-June - Kgd
P. 6
Ms. Visnja Plecas EAL Teacher

Moodle page:

In the month of May, Kindergarten students engaged in a number of litera-

cy activities. They listened to stories, played bingo games related to phon-

ics and read simple stories to the teacher. They shared their homework

and showed how they had responded with pictures to the stories they had

read at home. We engaged in activities that had to do with prepositions –

in a book about the home, the children placed felt cut-outs of different ob-

jects in various places and then described where they were using the ap-

propriate prepositions. The students also cut and pasted pictures to show

the position of things. We played sight word games and used sequencing

cards to make stories. When telling the stories based on the sequences,

the children introduced the names of the characters, described the settings

and said when the stories were taking place. The students were encour-

aged to come up with events that may have preceded those in the story,

and also to predict what might happen next. They learned new vocabulary

and identified rhyming words.
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