Page 2 - SN October - Grade Kgd
P. 2



Dear Parents,

As a part of the transdisciplinary unit How We Express Ourselves – Signs and Symbols and its central idea
that signs and symbols are used to communicate a message, kindergarten students focused on under-
standing and use of musical terms and symbols. Students applied their previous and newly gained
knowledge on percussion instruments, recognizing when to play, rest, and take turns.

In music class, students spent a lot of time singing in groups and experimenting with call and re-
sponse form, focusing on contrasts. Our songs of the month included “Somos el barco,” “Bumble
Bee,” and “Sing a Little Song.” Through these songs, students also explored tempo and dynamic
In addition, students continued to explore music signs and symbols. Inspired with action songs
“Presto – Largo“ and “Forte – Piano,” they developed understanding of opposites in music.
Lastly, we created a number of dance choreographies to complement our singing.
On top, kindergarten students continued to explore percussion instruments, learning their names and
ways they are used.
Next month, our focus will shift to wind instruments and we will begin playing recorders.
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