Page 4 - SN May-June - Grade 1
P. 4
Ms. Ljudmila Janicijevic Music Teacher

Moodle page:

Finishing the year in high spirits, first graders sang their fa-

vorite songs both alone and by memory. Dancing and playing

percussion instruments, they celebrated the end of the school

year. Clavas, shakers and drums accompanied their singing.

In May, students also enjoyed analyzing music stories about

cello, comparing electric and classical versions of that instru-

ment, through various video clips. A not so common lan-

guage was introduced – Swahili, as everyone practiced to

pronounce lyrics of “Baba Yetu”, a beautiful tune by Christo-

pher Tin. Last but not the least, students took pleasure in up

to date music hits, such as wining Swedish song from Euro-

vision Song Contest 2015.

It looks like they will be in great form to continue their musi-

cal journey in August again. Soon to be former first graders,

make sure you have a great summer!
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