Page 2 - SN March - Grade Kindergarten
P. 2



Dear Parents,
We are all exited to share our music-related knowledge at the upcoming Student Led Conferences. As
a part of our preparation, we have been focused on exploring the theme of Who We Are. We were
also looking at the ways to use our senses, aiming to experience and interpret the world around us.
We therefore engaged in a number of listening activities and playing instruments.
While playing recorders, special attention was paid to fingering and breathing technique. Afterwards,
students focused on percussion instruments, particularly on drums. By practicing playing with differ-
ent parts of their hands, students focused on various sounds which their thumbs or their full palm
created, when touching different parts of drum skin.
All previous activities enhanced students’ listening skills too. While further listening to music, KGT
students tried to interpret messages conveyed by various musical elements.
Students also continued using all their senses, with the
intention of controlling their musical skills better.
Promoting creativity and open-mindedness in our music
class, we enjoyed stories about friendship When You Are
Happy, When I grow up, and Elmo in Grouchland. Those
stories also helped us see different music instruments and
learn their names.
Next month will be fun too! We are planning to create our
own music composition and to illustrate it with students’
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