Page 4 - SN March - Grade Kindergarten
P. 4



   Dear Parents,
   After finishing our Gymnastics unit, Kindergarteners focused on improving their hand-eye and
   general body coordination.
   Students had the opportunity to work with hockey sticks and scoops.
   As always, safety was of great importance for us, so we started by practicing the proper grip of the
   equipment and learning how to handle them carefully among the group.
   Some activities were done individually; such as ball control with the hockey stick and scoops, to
   help students improve their gross motor skills, while others were focused more on cooperation
   and working as a team.
   Before taking part in floor hockey games, students were introduced to the very basic game rules.
   We discussed the importance of working as a team and displaying appropriate behavior towards
   other players. Our Kindergarten students, aside from passing the ball among team members, had a
   lot of fun shooting into the goal and trying to “overplay” the goal keeper.
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